Certified Wealth Managers' Association

What is Certified Wealth Managers' Association?

CWMA was established and founded in March 16, 2005 by the Bankers Club Indonesia (BCI) now is known as Ikatan Bankir Indonesia (IBI). The Certified Wealth Managers’ Association (CWMA) is a non profit, independent association whose purpose is to protect the customers’ interest and to support the wealth management profession with education, research, product development, and networking both globally and locally.

10 Ownership of Certified Wealth Managers' Assosiation (CWMA)

  • Organizers for Education & Training Wealth Management Certification (University and Training Institute) which appointed by Certified Wealth Managers’ Association (CWMA).
  • Regular Program & Executive Program : Certified Wealth Manager (CWM), Qualified Wealth Manager (QWM), Associate Wealth Manager (AWM), and Affiliate Wealth Manager (Aff. WM) is Owned and accredited by Certified Wealth Managers’ Association (CWMA).
  • Certification Education Program Material is owned by Certified Wealth Managers’ Association (CWMA).
  • Practice Quiz Material is owned by Certified Wealth Managers’ Association (CWMA).
  • Wealth Management Certification Education Exam Material is owned by Certified Wealth Managers’ Association (CWMA).
  • Teachers Council or Facilitator are appointed and designated by board of Certified Wealth Managers’ Association (CWMA).
  • Committees of the Board of Examiners are appointed and designated by board of Certified Wealth Managers’ Association (CWMA).
  • Retake Exam Material and Retake Exam Regulation is owned by Certified Wealth Managers’ Association (CWMA).
  • Web-Based Wealth Management Application (Wm 07 Module) Owned And Developed By Cwma Association
  • Competency test Materials for the Competency Certification Exam at LSPP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesional Perbankan) Developed and made by the CWMA Association

8 Ethic Code of Wealth Manager

  • To provide services with integrity A Certified Wealth Manager provides service to clients with honesty for mutual benefit.
  • To be objective and transparent in providing professional services to its clients Objectivity and transparency regarding the benefits, risks and costs of the investments should be presented very clearly to the client before making any transaction.
  • To provide full services with expertise and full understanding of clients' needs Certified Wealth Manager will only provide services in areas where the party concerned has permit as well as the expertise to explain and conduct transactions on areas under their control.
  • It is not allowed to do "mis-selling" and or perform actions that defame the institution he or she represents Certified Wealth Manager must comply with the local laws and regulations in force and avoid mis-selling as well as maintaining good personal name, the organization where he or she works, and the institutions they represent.
  • To participate and perform with local regulations We must comply with the local laws and regulations in force and act in good faith while carrying out the profession.
  • To keep the confidentiality of the clients The confidentiality of clients needs to be maintained strictly by the Certified Wealth Manager to build respect from clients which is regulated in the Act.
  • To run the "Wealth Management" process in a right and correct way The process of "Wealth Management" will become a standard process in the Certified Wealth Manager service to its clients to create the best quality of Wealth Management service.
  • To resolve clients complaints quickly and accurately The behavior of Certified Wealth Manager in dealing with requests / complaints from clients will be one benchmark from the services of Certified Wealth Manager.
